Tuesday, August 12, 2008

You are driving me nuts...

Okay so it hit me hard this evening that I'm more or less a single mom while Kenneth is working. This is only the first day but I can see how it's going to be. He leaves before anyone wakes up, get's home around 7:30pm, showers, eats dinner and by then he is up maybe another 30 minutes and off to bed. This is how it's going to be six days out of the week.

Hard work! Makenna has been super fussy the past two days, today being the worse, my damn nipple is killing me on the left side but that is what I get for not making sure her latch was good while I was trying to get a few more minutes of sleep the other morning, Carston will NOT stop saying "come man come man come man!". I spend my whole day saying "you are driving me nuts". So on top of Kenneth working and me taking care of the kids all by myself with no help at all except for those 30 minutes after dinner, I'm having to take care of the animals by myself, clean the house by myself, laundry by myself, dishes by myself, trash by myself... don't get me wrong, I feel like I should do all of it BY MYSELF but it's hard going from doing the kids stuff, mine and Carston's laundry only, only feeding the pets at night and picking up around the house, oh and deep cleaning like toilets, baths, floors... things like that. I did NOT do the dishes, I didn't cook every night, I didn't feed the pets and water the pets twice a day, I wasn't doing the litter box because I was pregnant, I wasn't doing the laundry and putting it up by myself, I wasn't taking out any trash, I wasn't taking out the diapers from the diaper pails, Kenneth did all of that stuff.

I'm going to have to realized that there is just not enough time in the day for me to mess around online, shower, play with the kids, feed the kids, do chores, and still have time to poop at the end of the day. It's going to be either extra sleep or computer time.

Now it's time to go take Carston around the block on the bike while Makenna is sleeping (Kenneth IS home so don't worry on that one). Maybe I can get some of this chunk off of me!!!!


Anonymous said...

Cute page! welcome to blogger! I like it better than 360. I'm a single mom because my husband travels all week and I work 2 days a week so believe me when I tell you I FEEL YOUR PAIN. It's hard at first with a newborn, but it will get better I promise!

Kristy said...

There will never seem to be enough time in the day, but somehow everything always seems to get done. On the positive side, Kenneth is working again which means you will have more money for bows and shopping haha. I know it seems like alot to do now but you will get back in the groove and get a schedule down in no time. they always say moms are super women :)

Kristy said...

oh and LMAO "come dude" haha he is too freaking cute!